I write these lines with one foot in 2020 and the other in 2021. Despite my long silence, I couldn’t let the moment pass without writing a few...
Category Archives: Blog
Step up and Vote
I have just come back from early voting after waiting two hours in line to get into the polling station, but this is no party political post. It...
And now for something completely different
Almost every time I go online, I look for articles and news relating to all things reflexology. My keyword searches cast a wide net, and can lead to...
Beginnings and Endings
The past week saw me engaged in something new, not only for me but for reflexologists around the world – we celebrated World Reflexology Week remotely. Necessitated by...
Stepping Back In
Next week marks World Reflexology Week, an annual event that takes place the last week in September, so that seems as good a time as any to return...
Pressing Pause
With no vacation in sight this summer, I have been thinking about what taking a break might look like and why after months of not working I really...
Well fancy that!
I’m in the middle of a major clear out at home, and have been going through piles of ‘useful’ articles, magazines and clippings that I have carefully stored...
Anyone who doesn’t know what I do would find it really strange, if not a little concerning, that I read an awful lot about feet. I suppose it...
Midsummer Musings
This afternoon I took part in my weekly group meditation which has been so beneficial during lockdown, and afterwards someone mentioned that today’s session felt especially powerful. We...
Going with the Flow
The past week or two, I have been deep in the weeds of planning and preparing for returning to work, a frustrating and anxiety provoking process with guidelines...