Reflexology is a form of bodywork based on the principle that certain areas of the body reflect the whole. Reflex points, which correspond to the entire body, can be found on the feet, hands and ears. These points respond to skilfully applied manual pressure, stimulating the body’s natural endorphins, bringing about physiological changes to promote stress relief and deep relaxation. There are many different styles and approaches used in reflexology, however the basic principle is constant. Subtle yet powerful, reflexology is becoming increasingly popular in the world of complementary therapies.
How does reflexology work?
Reflexology works from the inside out to restore a sense of well-being to the body. Reflexology is believed to work on many levels. Among the theories are:
- Nerve Impulses – Parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. Reflexology works through the nerve endings to relax and calm the body. Manual pressure applied to the feet or hands stimulate the nerve endings through the neural pathways to the central nervous system and back.
- TCM Meridian Theory (Chi or Ki) – energy pathways are stimulated during Reflexology, helping to clear blockages along these channels.
- Gate Control and Endorphin release – for pain management.
- The intrinsic need for nurturing human touch – to give a sense of overall well-being and improve the quality of life.