About Lisa
From childhood, Lisa held an intuitive awareness of the link between touching the feet and soothing the body. When she moved from the UK to teach in Hong Kong, she discovered the practice of reflexology, an ‘a-ha’ moment which opened up the door towards achieving optimum health through holistic means.
On coming to the US, Lisa built on her Hong Kong training, and achieved national certification by the American Reflexology Certification Board in 2005. A lifelong student and teacher, Lisa has continued her studies in the field of relaxation and stress relief as a path to wellness for teens and children as well as adults.
Lisa’s specialized reflexology training includes hand and ear reflexology, the Sloan Kettering protocol for supporting cancer patients throughout their treatment, and Touchpoint Denmark techniques for releasing tension. She has also studied face reflexology and Indian Head Massage with Ziggie Berman of the London School of Reflexology. In addition, Lisa has trained in Conditioned Response Reflexology which promotes gentle childbirth and is indicated for anyone suffering stress, anxiety or chronic pain. She enjoys incorporating a variety of techniques into her sessions according to her clients’ needs, taking them on a deeply relaxing journey of self-discovery.