As the tri-state area takes its first steps towards opening up, I have had a few people contact me to ask if I know when I will be working again. Unfortunately, I really don’t! There is much discussion within the reflexology community and beyond as we await guidelines from our professional organisations. In NY, Governor Andrew Cuomo today stated that hairstylists are included in the second phase of the state’s plan for reopening, but confusingly he added that it was not possible to distance safely for a haircut. He even highlighted the case of a barber in Kingston NY who had ignored the lockdown orders and had subsequently infected at least 12 people! The State’s 4 phase plan for businesses to restart does not specify exactly which ones fall into each of its very broad categories. My understanding is that Phase 1 will not begin in Westchester until at least the end of May and that Phase 2 will follow 14 days later if all goes well as far as infection rates and number of new cases are concerned. Obviously there are certain measures and protocols that must be put into place by any business in order to reopen, and we will all have to accept that there’s no perfect solution. For the immediate future at least we will all have to accept that there’s going to be a certain level of risk, however small, in any activity involving contact, no matter what precautions are taken, and then make our own decision about whether or not we are prepared to take it. I have been giving this a lot of thought for my own practice and would welcome input into what would make clients feel comfortable and, most importantly, as safe as possible. I will also have to decide about what will make me feel safe too. Here is a link to some very cool (non-medical grade) face masks – I may be wearing one the next time you see me..
Please feel free to message me your thoughts. In the meantime, here are a few ideas – some of which you may take with a pinch of salt, but which may raise a smile – which is risk free and no bad thing at the moment!