Touch Matters

As I begin to prepare for the great reopening, whenever that may be, one thing that has occurred to me is whether there will still be a demand for practices like reflexology and other touch therapies. I have written previously about the importance of touch (here and here), but it is interesting to note that during the pandemic lockdown, the fundamental need for human touch has been reported on so frequently.

I know that I am missing receiving my monthly sessions very much, but even more so, I miss the contact that giving reflexology offers me on a daily basis. I so often tell clients that I feel I benefit as much as they do, that the experience is truly an exchange. It seems that more and more people are recognising what science has known for a long time, touch is a basic human need, not just something that feels good. I had not come across the term ‘skin hunger’ before, but it is one that resonates very much right now. Here are a few articles etc. that highlight why touch is so important for our health and wellbeing, and which give me hope that we will be seeing each for reflexology other again soon.

Listen – Is Human Touch Necessary?

Read – How Lack of Touch is Affecting Us During Lockdown

Watch – Why we are Craving Touch And How To Cope

But when all said and done, we really don’t need scientific proof that humans need touch to thrive, as evidenced by the number of people devising ‘cuddle curtains‘ to allow them to safely hug their loved ones.

I look forward to seeing you again, albeit through my new face shield, but just don’t expect me to be wearing a hippo suit!

Written by

ARCB Certified Reflexologist

2 Comments to “Touch Matters”

  1. Bernadette says:

    This article hit the spot. I never realized I had a “touch meter” until it was empty. It’s what it took for me to totally realize it’s never been so low. Such a hallow feeling. I longed to hold Kerry and I took that risk yesterday when I got back. Had my mask, gloves and jacket on but the touch of her cheek on my face along with the smell of her hair moved my gauge from empty to full again. I could have held her for hours. Later last night she climbed into my bed because she too needed her meter replenished. Touch meters were never tested quite like this. Eye opening for me.

  2. SUSAN says:

    So true about touch. I miss it terribly. Have to say – love the cuddle curtain! i admire his ingenuity. Looking forward to when our sessions can resume. Be safe.

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