Finding your Feet

To say this has been a strange week would be an understatement with the election of a new president that almost nobody expected. Even the weather seemed to respond with a surprising gloomy day where it was difficult to see clearly. Many people in my part of the world are expressing feelings of shock and disbelief, which they describe in ways akin to mourning and grief. They feel as though they have literally lost their footing.
When someone faces a big upset, what can they do to help themselves recover and move on? The first instinct may be to curl up and withdraw, but ultimately one needs to regroup and accept a new reality – life has to move forward. As with any major shock, one option is to begin by nurturing one’s body, gently giving oneself space and time to heal. Reflexology can help with that, allowing release of physical tension and emotional stress helps one to sleep better, regain an appetite and begin to gain the strength to act instead of retreat. With a clearer mind one can start to consider ways to find a positive outlet for the hurt and anger – taking control, even in a small way can be empowering and help in regaining purpose.
In this particular and exceptional circumstance, perhaps consider committing to volunteer for a cause or contributing to a non-profit group that may have been impacted, or even begin something nurturing at home like planning to create a garden in the spring. Finding a new path to walk can be a challenge when you feel you have hit an unexpected road block, but there is always a way to forge a path, even if it may be challenging and difficult one to navigate. First and foremost, be kind to yourself first, allow yourself the opportunity to heal, then it will become easier to be kind to others – even those you hold responsible – so that you can find your new direction.

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ARCB Certified Reflexologist

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