Keep on Running

Although reflexology is not strictly speaking about the feet, it is where most of the work takes place so I spend a lot of time thinking about what the feet do, namely hold us up and move us around – two things I’d like to be able to do easily for as long as possible.
For many years, I have been a casual runner – no other form of exercise makes me feel as good – but as the years roll on, I have wondered if I should continue, unsure if it is a good thing for my body as it gets older. I have recently have begun to substitute fast-walking or alternate spells of walking, jogging and (sort-of) sprinting, but all the while wondering if I should be running at all. I was therefore very happy to hear this report on the radio the other day, detailing a study which appears to show that people who continue to run at least 30 minutes, three times a week were less likely to experience age-related physical decline in energy efficiency than those who only walked. Co-author of the study and Colorado University grad student, Owen Beck states, “The take-home message of the study is that consistently running for exercise seems to slow down the aging process and allows older individuals to move more easily, improving their independence and quality of life,” (more here).
I’ve been told by several female friends that running is aging for the face, but at least in terms of efficiency, and therefore less overall fatique, jogging keeps you younger. Don’t worry about getting older, enjoy this oldie.

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ARCB Certified Reflexologist

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